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The First Rule of Usability Testing: Test the Right Users

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6 April, 2015

OK, so the real first rule of usability testing is, “do it.” But we can assume you already know that usability testing is important, and that you need to be doing it in order to make sure your apps and software are creating value for your users—and thus for you—as efficiently as possible.

Given that, the most important consideration when it comes to usability testing is making sure your testers can give you the information you need.

The Best Usability Results Come From Your Users

No one can provide you more information about your app’s user experience than your app’s actual users. Of course, usability testing means a whole lot more than simply surveying users, and it isn’t always feasible or advisable to ask your current customers and clients to fully test your app.

That’s why you need testers who are just like your users to give you real, usable information.

Ask a bunch of software developers how much they like your app aimed at accountants, and you’re going to get information on all the wrong things. Even the most carefully and accurately designed usability test won’t yield the results you’re looking for if you don’t have the right people taking the test.

The more specialized and narrowly-focused your target niche is, the more important it is to find representative usability testers—a banking app aimed at the average consumer can be adequately tested by a wider range of people than a professional-level graphic design program. There’s always a target audience, though, and making sure your usability test group is as close to the target as possible is essential.

Stay tuned for future articles explaining how to figure out exactly who your testers should be and how you can get them to help you out. Until then, we’ll do our best to keep you in the loop!

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