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Online Usability Testing

Unlock the full potential of your design process with online usability testing. Discover website and app UX best practices, explore the benefits & find ways to overcome challenges.

Save time and money compared to in-person testing

Access a larger and more diverse pool of test participants

No user research experience or training required
The user testing platform trusted by

Introducing Moderated & Unmoderated Remote Usability Testing​

In today’s digital world, where attention span is short, and the customer journey is just as complex, achieving providing a top-notch user experience can be a challenge. To make this happen, you need to listen directly to your users, get their feedback, and turn these into actionable insights on creating a user experience design that truly rocks. Here are our two usability testing approaches that can help:

Moderated Remote Usability Testing​

With Loop11’s remote moderated user testing approach, user test participants can perform the test from their chosen location (like a home office) while a moderator instructs and observes them remotely. This is highly recommended not just for convenience but if there’s doubt that unmoderated testing may yield ambiguous results.

Unmoderated Remote Usability Testing​

Loop11’s remote unmoderated user testing allows participants to take the test from anywhere and any device without the need for a moderator or controlled environment. While the results may not be as comprehensive as a moderated test, it is a cost-effective option that provides valuable insights into real-world usage and may even uncover critical findings or hypotheses that require testing with a larger sample size.

Ready to Create the Best User Experience Possible?​

Start by conducting usability testing to get valuable feedback from your users. With fresh eyes and unbiased feedback, you can create a user experience that truly rocks. Sign up for a free trial today and take the first step towards designing an exceptional user experience.

The Benefits of Online Usability Testing​

User testing can be your greatest ally in creating excellent digital products, and there are more reasons why you should plan for one right now:

Improve User Satisfaction and Retention​

By using online usability testing, you can identify and address usability issues that may be causing frustration for your users. This can lead to increased user satisfaction, higher retention rates, and ultimately, greater business success.

Get Honest and Accurate Feedback​

Online usability testing allows you to get direct feedback from your users on their experience using your product. This feedback is honest and accurate, giving you valuable insights into what is working and what needs improvement.

Save time and money​

Online usability testing can be done quickly and easily with the right tools, saving you time and money compared to traditional in-person testing. This allows you to conduct more tests and iterate faster, improving your product more efficiently.

Compare different versions of your product​

With online usability testing, you can compare different versions of your product and see which performs better. This allows you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your product for maximum performance.

Identify issues early​

Online usability testing can help you identify real issues before you spend more money building a product with a bad design. This can save you time and money in the long run by avoiding costly redesigns and rework.

Create a more satisfying user experience​

By using online usability testing to identify and fix usability issues, you can create a more satisfying user experience for your customers. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy, helping you build a stronger brand and grow your business.

Our Clients Say It Best

“Loop11 saves us lot of time because we can reach more people than we could if we were doing in-person interviews.”

Sarai Prado

Lead UX Researcher and Lab Lead,
Sperientia: [Studio + Lab]®

“Loop11 has been a wonderful asset for us. We can see real world kids and real world parents in real world environments, and how the (FUNetix) app performs. And we can make adjustments based off of that.”

R. Kali Woodward

FUNetix Founder

“You should be able to prepare a user test very quickly. With Loop11, we can do that. Whereas traditionally, there was a lot of prep time for user tests, and you’d recruit users and invite them in. Loop11 is a very quick way to validate a design.”

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Fran Jordan

Design and Content Chapter Lead, Vodafone Ireland

Discover More Features of Our Online User Testing Platform

Explore our features that allow you to easily manage your testing projects and obtain valuable feedback from your users.

AI Insights

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Unmoderated Usability Testing

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Prototype Testing

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Moderated Usability Testing

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Information Architecture (IA) Testing

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UX Benchmarking

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A/B Testing

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True Intent Studies

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Mobile & Tablet UX Testing

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User Session Recording & Replay

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Search Engine Findability

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Clickstream Analytics

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Heatmap Analysis

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Unlock the Power of Online Usability Testing for Your Business

Online usability testing is a process of evaluating a user’s experience when interacting with a digital product, such as a website or mobile app. Its main goal is to spot potential design, usability, and user experience issues that might negatively affect the product’s performance and get valuable insights into how users interact with your product and make an informed decision on building a digital product that they will love, enjoy, and find easy to use.

Understanding User Behavior with Online Usability Testing
At Loop11, we’ve been watching how online usability testing is gaining popularity among businesses seeking to improve the user experience of their digital products. In fact, this trend has been supported by several recent studies, which have revealed that:
  • 78% of companies incorporate online usability testing in their user experience strategy
  • When continuously testing, a group of five users is typically sufficient to identify 85% of usability problems
These statistics show the value and effectiveness of online usability testing as a tool for improving user experience and must be seriously considered as part of your UX strategy.   Start your free trial with Loop11 today and take the first step towards creating a user-friendly and successful product.
Learn the Secrets of Creating Your Online Usability Testing Plan
A solid usability testing plan ensures that your testing is efficient and aligned with your product development timeline. To begin without one is wasting time, money, and energy – which is a recipe for disaster. The good news? Your plan doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you’re testing a few features or an entirely new product, having a well-crafted usability plan will set you up for success. So here are the 7 must-haves for you to create that fantastic user experience:  

  1. Set Your Goals
    Before running usability testing, it’s crucial to define clear goals to help you determine the proper testing methods, how many testers are needed, and how to analyse research findings. Having a well-defined plan is crucial to the success of your usability test. Without a clear direction, you risk running a test that’s cluttered and produces inaccurate insights that may lead to poor product decisions.

  2. Check Your Resources
    Effective usability testing requires a great deal of planning and, if not done right, may quickly turn into a logistical nightmare that can block your product development process. To ensure that you’re on the right path, you must ask yourself these questions:
    • When will the project start and end?
    • How many team members are needed to carry out the testing?
    • How will you recruit test participants?
    • Do you need to conduct the research online or offline – or both?
    • What tools will you require?
    • How long will each step of the process take?
  3. Choose Your Test Wisely
    Depending on the insights you want to uncover, different types of usability tests will produce varying results. Consider these factors in choosing which one will work for you best:
    • Quantitative or Qualitative: Quantitative data provides objective, numerical data from usability tests, while qualitative research aims to understand the motivations, thoughts, and behavior of your users. Combining both methods has proven to be the most effective.
    • Moderated or Unmoderated: Researchers can be present (moderated) or absent (unmoderated) during the test. Sometimes, having a moderator present may create cognitive biases.
  4. Pick Your Sample Size
    Once you’re transparent with what you’re hoping to achieve and how you plan to do it, you can determine the sample size for your usability testing. Keep in mind that ‘bigger is better’ may not always work best. For example, you may attempt to analyse results from 100 interviews and find it daunting to come up with valuable insights. But it’s only sometimes the case, especially with quantitative research, where a larger sample size can mean a wider pool of statistics to review. By carefully checking your goals and the test you want to run, you can plot the optimal sample size to get actionable insights from your data.

  5. Ask the Right Questions
    Once you’ve determined what you want to discover and how to go about it, you can now quickly screen users to target for your testing by asking them these initial set of questions:
    • How old are you?
    • What’s your highest level of education?
    • Do you consider yourself tech-savvy?
    • Have you used a similar product, app, or website before?
    • Which device do you often use for doing tasks?
    The qualifying questions can be tweaked to suit your requirement. For example, after selecting your testers based on their answers, you may ask follow-up questions like:
    • Did you experience any issues in completing any of the tasks?
    • Which task was the most challenging?
    • What did you think of features A, B, and C?
    • Are there any features on a competitor’s product that are missing here?
    • Why didn’t you like feature X?
    You may also come up with questions they can rate on a scale of 1-5 or quickly answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ When asking questions, always remember to make it easier for them to relay their experience during the test. In short, K.I.S.S. (keep it short and simple)!  

  6. Measure What Matters
    A cliche, but conducting usability tests is half of the challenge; the other half is extracting valuable insights that can help you answer your research questions and achieve your goals. So, before you start your usability studies, specify the data you want to gather. Here are some qualitative and quantitative metrics to consider:
    • Time-on-Task: Assess how long a participant took to complete a usability task
    • Likes, Dislikes, Recommendations: Learn how participants felt and what they thought of the usability of your design through qualitative feedback
    • Critical Errors: Learn what errors were encountered that stopped the participant from completing a task
    • Non-Critical Errors: Spot minor issues that may have deviated the participant into taking the wrong action, like missing a step or navigating to the wrong page
    • Error-free Rate: Know the percentage of participants who completed their tasks without errors and label it as your ‘North Star’ metric
    • Successful Task Completion: Know the percentage of tasks successfully completed by participants, regardless of how they achieve it
      Assessing these metrics can help you understand how users interact with your product, identify problems, and make intelligent decisions to improve usability. Thankfully, Loop11’s integration with GPT-4 makes the analysis of your results lighting fast!  
  7. Analyse and Take Action
    At this point, you have already collected several data points from your usability testing. Great! Now, it’s time to sort out which issues you need to address and prioritise them accordingly so you can come up with a timely solution for each.To make your findings more actionable, the NNGroup suggests that you can rank your discoveries into five different levels of severity to allow you to focus on the most critical problems first:
    • Level 4 – Critical: Issues that fall under these prevent users from completing their tasks and negatively impact their experience. For example, a user can’t sign up for an account.
    • Level 3 – Serious: Issues here require urgent attention as they slow down the user experience. For example, a user can’t reset the password.
    • Level 2 – Medium: Issues here are moderately severe and may cause frustration to the user, though they may not happen frequently. For example, infinite scrolling.
    • Level 1 – Low: These cosmetic issues may not significantly impact the user experience but may affect the brand image. For example, outdated fonts or typos.
    • Level 0 – No Issue: A user may report an issue that isn’t really a problem or request a feature that’s not yet available. You may take note of these, but no action is necessary now.
Best Practices: Online User Testing Tips for Everyone
When you test a website or an app, always make sure that it’s easy to use. For example, in 2021, Citibank lost $500 million because an employee didn’t check the correct checkbox. It can be tricky, but you can do online usability testing well when you:
  • Think about the person using your product. Watch them use it and see how you can make their experience better.
  • Test your product early and often so you can find problems that you can fix quickly.
  • Ask users for feedback to give you good ideas about how to make your product better.
  • Use the right tools to help you keep track of what tasks you want them to do If you follow these tips, you’ll do just fine!
At the end of the day, when your product is easy to use, your customers will be happier, and more likely, they will keep using it. This means more demand for your product and profit for your business!
The Biggest Challenge in Usability Testing

With all these amazing benefits come hurdles one can face when doing an online usability test. The biggest challenge to date is not the limitations of time and money to run these tests but audience accuracy. How can one be sure that you have the correct user group who will take part in the test and that they have used your products before?

Avoiding dubious test participants is still a hit or miss. Some take a massive number of tests in exchange for cash, devaluing the input and polluting data in the process. But the worst offender of them all is a competitor stealing your idea when you’re doing remote, unmoderated tests, as you can’t stop testers from taking screenshots or sharing what they saw.

To avoid this problem, you must pay attention and ensure your test is set up correctly. Even if you carefully pick your user demographics, you may still end up with results that only apply to your product or users. This means wasting resources on the information you don’t need.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place! Let us help you dodge these hurdles to truly make online usability testing work for you in creating that great user experience.

Boost Your Website Performance with Online Usability Testing

Sign up for a free trial today to see how Loop11 can help improve your site or app’s user experience. By using online usability testing, you can increase user satisfaction and retention, get honest and accurate feedback, save time and money, compare different versions of your product, identify issues early, and create a more satisfying user experience for your customers.