
Why choose Loop11 over UserTesting?

UserTesting and Loop11 are both are great UX testing tools. So how do you choose between the two?

The biggest difference is about actionable insights

We’re about actionable human insights and decision-making. Loop11 provides the combination of qualitative AND quantitative user experience research. The qualitative research tells you what might be possible, whereas quantitative research tells you what is actually happening. Qualitative research tells you the ‘what’, while quantitative testing gives you the ‘why’. In combination, those collective human insights can be very powerful.

Loop11 gives you both of these with each and every project you run. Even if you plan to run a moderated user test with a handful of participants, we’ll still provide you with a series of statistics and metrics that help you to delve further and generate deeper insights.

With UserTesting, the predominant output is video and audio recordings, which really only give you the ‘what’, but not the ‘why’.

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No long term contracts

If you need to be doing user testing for just a month or two, you can purchase a monthly subscription and cancel it any time with Loop11. The only choice you have with UserTesting is a very expensive annual subscription starting at around $15,000. We have annual subscriptions too, but our most expensive plan is $2,270.

14-day free trial

We offer a 14 day free trial during which you can launch up to three full scale projects. So, if you want to have a look around and make sure Loop11 gives you everything you need, sign up and kick the tyres and then decide. UserTesting has no free trial period, so committing to a 12 month contract is a bit risky without the ability to see and experience the product first.

Unlimited projects, participants and platforms

With our Pro subscription (which is what 90% of our customers choose, at $249 per month) we have no limits on the number of projects you can run in a given month. There are no limits on the number of participants you can have in a given project – have 1,000 if you want to! And you can run as many projects concurrently and run them across desktop, tablet or mobile. UserTesting has restrictions on all of these features. You’ll need to pay more for each one.

No time limits on moderated tests

If you want to use Loop11 for moderated testing you can run your test sessions for any length of time at no additional cost. We don’t put caps on test length. A 2-hour test? No problem. Knock yourself out!

Quantitative metrics

This is a part of our DNA, as we mentioned above. Compared to UserTesting, Loop11 offers more sophisticated reporting on quantitative metrics like time on task, clickstream analysis, heatmaps, System Usability Scale (SUS), Net Promotor Score (NPS) and more.

Bring your own testers for free

Loop11 has integrations and partnerships with a number of excellent recruitment tools so you can source the right participants for your user tests. However, if you just wanted to use your own list of customers or newsletter subscribers or use social media to source participants, you are free to do so at no extra cost. UserTesting does also offer this, but only for their higher tier subscriptions starting at $30,000.

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